zondag 27 maart 2011

Meeting with Lucas' parents: iteration 02

We met Lucas' parents, and it was a pleasant, good experience. We learned a lot about the use of the loopschip, and the parents wishes and concerns. Here are som pics and a conclusion-table.




*Should be adaptable when Lucas grows

*Should fit easily in a trunk

* Because Lucas has to like it, looks are important...

*Lucas likes toys that make noises, music,...

*He is in his loopschip for 1 – 2 h a day. The thing should be engaging for him for at least this time a day!

* loopschip should be a play-thing

*looks don't really matter for the parents, as long as Lucas likes it. Metal tubes, connections, skai,... are not the real problem!

*Lucas likes Yelow toys (also, rounded soft stuff,...)

*In his loopschip Lucas can turn around and jump (spring-element) → interesting feature!

*It does not have to look like anything (horse,...) because Lucas will probably not recognize it anyway.


Everything was very positive really!

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