vrijdag 4 maart 2011

Meeting Lukas

Who is Lukas?

Lukas is a 10 year old boy with a multiple restriction, problems with sight (origin unknown) and suspected of having a abnormal metabolism. He has a very weak immune system (gets sick very easily) and gets food through a tube. At this moment it’s discussed whether he should undergo an operation or not. This due to his scoliosis and kyfosis which have gotten worse, and his dislocated hip.

What's the problem?

He really loves playing with his toys (and throwing them away) and when he's at home he does that in his 'loopschip'. This is a self-made chair/support so he can stand up and play. Unfortunately he has grown out of it completely (despite some adjustments the parents made), and a better solution has to be found.

What's that solution?

The solution is something that fulfils of firstly Lukas, but also his parents. This means it has to be therapeuticly correct and really fun to stand in it, BUT the parents need to be comfortable and at ease with placing him in there.

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