woensdag 25 mei 2011

Last steps: iteration06

Last steps we are taking: time is running out...

We are on the good track, it gets better and better, but still some remarks.
Lukas is actually starting to enjoy our loopschip, so that's a good thing.




  • By turning the wheel under the frame, it fits into the lift

  • Lucas still likes the toys!

  • We could really test the chest-support with the foam-parts. This is already quit good, after adjusting the width, he fitted in, almost nicely.

  • We managed to get the people at Zonnebloem and the parents on the same track about the back-piece! Just some large straps and some extra peaces of foam will do!


  • We still need to cover the sharp pieces.

  • The back-part should be stronger, (but also see unexp-pos!)

  • new development: Lucas is not allowed to stand anymore (by the medical doctors in Leuven) because of his hips. The seat should be made high enough so he doesn't stand to much on his legs.

  • It's still difficult to put him in correctly, the upper parts of his chest go in smoothly, but the lower parts and his legs, won't! We need an extra peace to make him sit more to the front (ev. A change of the form of the seat-cushion) the extra piece will be a T-shaped legs-strap.

prototyping parents: iteration05

The first encounter between the parents and the new loopschip.
General conclusion: "We need more time to do this!!!"




  • They like the yellow wheel

  • They are generally happy with the looks

  • Lucas likes the toys on the table! He's happy when we show him how to do it, and he tries himself, he learns fast!

  • The whole is not to big, to fit into the house. There's no need to shorten the frame.


  • The cushions were not finished yet, so it was difficult to really test the position and the seats.

  • He needs a cushion to sit on.

  • We need straps to strap him in!The chest-part was to high for his arms to fit in comfortably.

  • The chest-part was to high for his arms to fit in comfortably.
  • Also his legs didn't fit good. He needs more space between

  • All sharp edges need to be covered,...

  • The parents didn't like the abduction seat. They think it's unnecessary and he cannot walk this way!

  • The father remarked that he would like the looks to resemble his wheelchair, to fit in the image! For example with red skai upholstering,...

  • The parts are to large to fit inside his car-top-box.

first encounter: iteration 04

The first encounter between the prototype and the zonnebloem.
1st remarks: everyone likes the yellow wheel! The shape and the looks are cool, but what about the therapeutic aspects?





  • They like the yellow wheel

  • They are generally enthusiastic about the looks


  • There need to be extra wheels, because of stability

  • the table should be more rigid

  • we need a back support, preferably a rigid one

  • the seat should be stronger! It broke during the test. It should be strong enough to prevent his legs to turn under him (see pics) because this is not good for his hips.

  • all sharp edges should be covered

  • The old chest-part isn't wide enough anymore, we need to widen it!

  • The seat should be more inclined at the sides, because he can only stand in, with his legs in abduction. (see pics)

Things to do for the next iteration:
to do,
  • Make a new chest part (wider!)
  • Make a stronger seat 
  • make a back-piece
  • remove all sharp edges

Making plans: Iteration 03

After the talk with Lukas parents, we had to change our strategy a little. The therapists and the people at zonnebloem didn't know the situation and the demands from the parents that well. So after the talk with the parents, we started over and made up a new strategy.

We realised that the identity aspect is not that important for the parents. It's not the looks of the tool that is the real problem. The real problem is that there is just nothing on the regular market that combines the playfulness of Lukas old loopschip, with the theraputic standards of the tools used at the zonnebloem. All standing-aids are meant for standing, not for playing in. That's why we have to focus on the pleasure aspect from now on. For Lukas, this new loopschip should be fun.
We also have to focus on the convenience-aspect for the parents. It shouldn't be to big, fit in the car, easy to clean,... Convenience is more important than identity!

We also managed to make up a plan for the new Loopschip. The problem will be that the structure in which Lucas has to fit, is so big that it will be virtually impossible (regarding our limited time and resources) to make more than 1 prototype. The first shot will be the right one!

dinsdag 29 maart 2011

Fun Benchmark

By visiting Lukas at home we saw the old 'Loopschip' in action.

The assignment is divided into 2 main aspects : the fun and the therapeutic aspect. At home the fun aspect is very important, but in 'de Zonnebloem' it's the the therapeutic aspect that is the most important. It's up to us to find the right balance.

The 'loopschip' is a DIY hack of an existing baby 'toy'. The Evenflo 'Exersaucer'.

The things Lukas likes the most about it are: the spring system, the rotation, the sounds the toys make.

inspiration, materials and shapes

The talk with Lucas' Parents , left us with some images that will guide us through the rest of the project

zondag 27 maart 2011

Meeting with Lucas' parents: iteration 02

We met Lucas' parents, and it was a pleasant, good experience. We learned a lot about the use of the loopschip, and the parents wishes and concerns. Here are som pics and a conclusion-table.




*Should be adaptable when Lucas grows

*Should fit easily in a trunk

* Because Lucas has to like it, looks are important...

*Lucas likes toys that make noises, music,...

*He is in his loopschip for 1 – 2 h a day. The thing should be engaging for him for at least this time a day!

* loopschip should be a play-thing

*looks don't really matter for the parents, as long as Lucas likes it. Metal tubes, connections, skai,... are not the real problem!

*Lucas likes Yelow toys (also, rounded soft stuff,...)

*In his loopschip Lucas can turn around and jump (spring-element) → interesting feature!

*It does not have to look like anything (horse,...) because Lucas will probably not recognize it anyway.


Everything was very positive really!

woensdag 9 maart 2011

First try-outs: iteration 01

To kick-off the project, we made some quick and dirty prototypes out of scrap-materials. The goal was to test some hypotheses and to check the information we got out of the 1st meeting at the zonnebloem.
Main conclusion: this will not be as simple as we hoped for... Lots of work to be done!

Prototype 1: round table  




*Height of the table is OK

*Easy to put him in, because ther is no need to take him up. There is nothing tn the way at the back side.


*Support is not good enough, more side-support needed, more fixed support needed, straps are not good!

*Height of the seat is'n adjustable

*Width at base isn't enough → no room for his feet!

Seat is to wide, (maximum 5cm)

Prototype 2: square table 




* much room for the legs


*Support is not good enough, more side-support needed, more fixed support needed, straps are not good!

*Table to low, should be almost under his arm-pits

*Difficult to put him in, because of the metal tube, between the back-legs of the device

dinsdag 8 maart 2011

Adaptation strategy

After our meeting with the people at "zonnebloem", we decided to put our focus on the Identity, Pleasure and convenience-factors. The economic factor wil be important for our prototypes themselves, but not for the project itself. Performance is not a primary goal, because, in a therapeutic sense, we will probably not be beter than the competition, or the benchmarks.
So, in this project we're focussing on Identity, Pleasure and convenience-factors. The aid has to be esthetical, and should not look to much like the usual therapeutic stuff. It should be nice, good looking, comfortable and easy to use. Lukas has to feel good, when he's walking in it, and his parents to. It should be thrustfull and playfull at the same time.

maandag 7 maart 2011

Onze vriend Lukas

A little background on Lukas.
Lukas is a boy with a complex disability. He has a mental, as well as a physical disorder. Usually during daily life, he sits in his wheelchair. Sometimes he can stand in a "standing aid". and sometimes he can stand in his "loopschip".
He can stand on his own legs for a very short time, but then he needs support at both sides as well as at his back and chest.
a little film to explain:

vrijdag 4 maart 2011

Hacking Products

We went to the container park and got some material to work with. These all have good rigid structures which we can cut up and rearrange to make prototypes.

Meeting Lukas

Who is Lukas?

Lukas is a 10 year old boy with a multiple restriction, problems with sight (origin unknown) and suspected of having a abnormal metabolism. He has a very weak immune system (gets sick very easily) and gets food through a tube. At this moment it’s discussed whether he should undergo an operation or not. This due to his scoliosis and kyfosis which have gotten worse, and his dislocated hip.

What's the problem?

He really loves playing with his toys (and throwing them away) and when he's at home he does that in his 'loopschip'. This is a self-made chair/support so he can stand up and play. Unfortunately he has grown out of it completely (despite some adjustments the parents made), and a better solution has to be found.

What's that solution?

The solution is something that fulfils of firstly Lukas, but also his parents. This means it has to be therapeuticly correct and really fun to stand in it, BUT the parents need to be comfortable and at ease with placing him in there.

Structural inspiration

We looked up some inspirational images towards making supporting structures.
They are seperated in 3 categories: smaller scale, same scale and bigger scale.

vrijdag 25 februari 2011

First Brainstorm

The first brainstorm we had on the 23rd of February, without having seen Lukas himself.

Doing so helped us think of questions we have to ask at the people of 'Zonnebloem' and things we have to observe when meeting Lukas.

Briefing about our client, Lukas.

This is a briefing we received about Lukas from our ergotherapy team members: Sarah and Ruth. We need to design and engineer something that fulfils the conditions mentioned in this briefing.

Walking aid

First message, to break the ice :)
First thing to do, is to look around, and look for what is already there...

The "HORS" produced by "Spronken Orthopedie" Promoted by professionals, very popular among children and parents and refunded by "het Vlaams fonds".
Very good benchmark, in other words...

The Meywalk 2000, from Meyland-Smith..