vrijdag 25 februari 2011

First Brainstorm

The first brainstorm we had on the 23rd of February, without having seen Lukas himself.

Doing so helped us think of questions we have to ask at the people of 'Zonnebloem' and things we have to observe when meeting Lukas.

Briefing about our client, Lukas.

This is a briefing we received about Lukas from our ergotherapy team members: Sarah and Ruth. We need to design and engineer something that fulfils the conditions mentioned in this briefing.

Walking aid

First message, to break the ice :)
First thing to do, is to look around, and look for what is already there...

The "HORS" produced by "Spronken Orthopedie" Promoted by professionals, very popular among children and parents and refunded by "het Vlaams fonds".
Very good benchmark, in other words...

The Meywalk 2000, from Meyland-Smith..